postcards from hindsight

7th November - 14th November 2019
Curatorial & Co. / Project Gallery 90 Solo Exhibition

Postcards from Hindsight

Postcards from Hindsight explores moments in time, the atmosphere, mystery and magic in the places I have experienced in my life. The merging of my memories of experience in the landscapes and the feelings that arose during the process of painting enhanced an even more intimate and intense connection to the environment and time.

From the luxury of hindsight; I often idealize memories of times had on holiday, and yet when I really connect to the moments surrounding the beautiful memory there is often drama, pain, discomfort, imperfection. Hindsight feels beautiful, and yet these memories have sat with me through reflection on the feelings during past time had, yet looking back at how beautiful life was, our beaches were; is just a veneer to the foundation of these moments; all caught in the ominous creep of Anthropocene.

As I painted each work I wrote a postcard to myself, a statement to capture the moment I longed to reach back too.

Surrounded by time, memory, like a dream; transported back to sacred, ancient lands; fragile and precious, fleeting. Hindsight is a human and subjective measure of time; it haunts us and tempts us with places, experiences we can no longer visit. 

Postcards from Hindsight, explores the recent past, the dream like fate of life and how this connects us to the earth.

What struck me in remembering moments of awe of this incredible country is sadly the inescapable impact in our short but destructive Anthropocene age.

I continue to explore our earth as a fragile beauty on the verge of a dystopian relic, juxtaposed with the hopeful romantic view of seemingly untouched idyllic lands; highlighting the threat of climate change on our fragile and precious environment in the age of Anthropocene.